what is biology?, introduction, definition, branches.

what Is biology?, introduction, definition, branches.


                Biology is the branch of Science. The concept of biological sciences emerged from tradition of medicine and natural history reaching back to ancient times. Egyptian medicine and the works of Aristotle and Galen in the ancient Greco-Roman world. It was then further developed in the Middle ages by Muslim physicians and scholars such as al-Jahiz, Ibn Sina, Ibn al-Baitar and Ibn al-Nafis.


               Biology deals with many aspects of living organisms, such as their structure, function, development, growth, relationship, with the living and non-living environment etc.


               There are three main types of Biology. which are the following. 

  . Zoology 

  . Botany

  . Microorganism 


              The study of Animals is called Zoology.


     Animals and Humans


     The study of plants is called Botany.


      There are many types of biology but the main types are above.

     Now we discuss major types of biology. There are about seventeen major types of biology which are the following.

  1. Taxonomy

  2. Morphology 

  3. Anatomy

  4. Physiology

  5. Embryology

  6. Cell biology

  7. Histology

  8. Paleontology

  9. Immunology

  10. Entomology

  11. Genetics

  12. Microbiology

  13. Biotechnology

  14. Environmental biology

  15. Parasitology

  16. Social biology 

  17. Pharmacology 



                     خَلَقَ الۡاِنۡسَانَ مِنۡ صَلۡصَالٍ كَالۡفَخَّارِۙ‏   



  He created man from sounding clay like the clay of pottery


       وَجَعَلۡنَا مِنَ الۡمَآءِ كُلَّ شَىۡءٍ حَىٍّ​ ؕ اَفَلَا يُؤۡمِنُوۡنَ‏ 


            "It says about the origin of life that  We made from water,

every thing. Will they not then believe" 

Surah Anbiya 21 Ayat 30


وَ فِى الۡاَرۡضِ قِطَعٌ مُّتَجٰوِرٰتٌ وَّجَنّٰتٌ مِّنۡ اَعۡنَابٍ وَّزَرۡعٌ وَّنَخِيۡلٌ صِنۡوَانٌ وَّغَيۡرُ صِنۡوَانٍ يُّسۡقٰى بِمَآءٍ وَّاحِدٍ وَنُفَضِّلُ بَعۡضَهَا عَلٰى بَعۡضٍ فِى الۡاُكُلِ​ؕ


               "And the earth are the tracts and Diverse though neighboring, gardens of vines and fields sown some with corn and palm trees growing out of single roots or otherwise. Water with the same water. Yet some of them we make more excellent than others to eat" 

      Surah Al Ra'd 13 Ayat 4


وَاللّٰهُ خَلَقَ كُلَّ دَآبَّةٍ مِّنۡ مَّآءٍ ​ۚفَمِنۡهُمۡ مَّنۡ يَّمۡشِىۡ عَلٰى بَطۡنِهٖ​ۚ وَمِنۡهُمۡ مَّنۡ يَّمۡشِىۡ عَلٰى 

رِجۡلَيۡنِ وَمِنۡهُمۡ مَّنۡ يَّمۡشِىۡ عَلٰٓى اَرۡبَعٍ​ؕ يَخۡلُقُ اللّٰهُ مَا يَشَآءُ​ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ عَلٰى كُلِّ شَىۡءٍ قَدِيۡرٌ‏

      "And Allah created every animal from water. Some creep up on their bellies, others walk on two legs, and others on four. Allah creates what he pleases wills. He has power over all things." 

       Surah Nur 24 Ayat 45

Contribution of Muslim scientists in the field of Biology:

History of Biology

    In the field of biology, historical advancement has occurred with the passage of time. It has provided great information for the welfare and existence of human beings. In the field of biology many scientists have been tried hard to understand. Some are the following.

1) Abul Qasim (Abulcasis) 

2) Al-Razi 

3) Theophrastus

1) contribution of Abul-Qasim (Abulcasis): 

        Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas was born in 936 C.E in Zahra, in the near Cordova. He is known as a (Abulcasis) in the West. He is known for his work in surgery. He is also famous for his medical Encyclopedia called A-Tasrif.

     He has described various aspects of surgical treatment including removal of stones from the bladder, description of animals and surgery of throat, ear and eye.

 (2) Contributions of Al-Razi: 

           Abu-Bakar Muhammad Ibn zakariya Al Razi was born in in 865 A.D. He was a well-known Muslim doctor, scholar and philosopher. He worked on cases of kidney and bladder stones and also introduced techniques to remove stones. His famous book is "Ketab dar padid Amadan Sangrizeh". 'The book of information of small Stones in the Kidney and bladder.'


For more information I gave you a link of class notes from which you can get more information about biology , physics, chemistry etc.

 So click on the download icon and go to playstore and download the class notes and read you will get more information.


Theophrastus (371-287 BC):

        Theophrastus is also called the father of botany.


       His famous books include "Historia de plantis (enquiry in plants) and 'De Causis plantarum (oof plant, explanation).


● He mentioned 300 species of plant particularly Cultivated and mostly horticultural.

● He distinguishes between sexes in plants.

● He distinguishes between sexual Vegetative reproduction, monocot and dicot plant, angiosperm and gymnosperm plant.

● He also gives technical descriptions of grafting and cutting.

● He also discusses the role of pollination.

what is biology, Types of biology, What are the branches of biology, 25 branches of biology, Why is biology important, Simple Biology definition,


May Allah Keep Happy All Muslims.

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